




        隔天早上查看工作的班表 ,艾瑞克指派我帶兩個體驗潛水的客人,潛水長帶領一個新來的客人潛水。很合理,要是我也會做一樣的安排。雖然我不想帶體驗潛水,可是只有教練才能帶體驗潛水。不指望像艾瑞克這麼資深的教練,會親自下海帶體驗潛水。往好處想,我可以獨攬所有體驗潛水的佣金。



        「就像我告訴潛水長的一樣,你要帶那個客人潛水。我已經叫那個客人準備好,潛完這次之後,吃午餐,然後馬上再潛一次。那個客人兩點半要離開。」 艾瑞克的指示超快,好像講話不用喘氣一樣。



        「 換我回家了,」 艾瑞克突然又來到甲板了,「店裡昨天送錯人回家,他們應該送你和布萊恩回家的。」



        兩點半接駁的小船準時來了,甲板上一陣忙碌,把要回凱恩斯的客人送上小船 。艾瑞克突然出現,手上還提著背包。


        「不用擔心, 你只要帶進階課程的客人,其他的交給潛水長們去做。明天早上就會有新的總監來接應的。」艾瑞克講話毫不停頓,他的腳步也是。






        法蘭克來關心狀況,「你了解什麼是授權嗎?」 他問,「你沒辦法自己做所有的事情。」他說的對,我絕對沒辦法一個人帶9個客人夜潛。



        「抱歉, 我沒辦法幫你上進階課程。我沒辦法答應超出我能力範圍的事情。」今天已經潛太多次水,太累了,明天的深潛要是再多一個學生,風險有點高。


        把潛水長們找來討論隔天早上的計畫。我待在船上的時候,他們之中有一個人可以去潛水,只要另外兩人可以幫我把事情做好。他們期待潛水很久了, 來船上打工,就是為了有機會潛水。提出的獎賞很誘人,為了可以潛水,他們願意每個人分擔多一些工作。




        「我是問,你能不能在船上多留一晚。」 法蘭克認真的問。原來他是在幫店裏問,有誰可以繼續留在船上工作。看來店裡有人又做出離譜的決策。


One day director

    ‘Do you want to make more money?’ Jim asked. He was the director supervising the dive team on board. He had known I was kind of having a cash flow problem. ‘We only 6 passengers, so the shop is sending you and Brian home. Or,’ he paused, ‘Brian and I go home, and you stay.’

    I sensed that Jim didn’t want to stay for two more nights for some reasons. But, I was hesitating to make the decision, because I was not familiar with all the operations on the boat. Also, I would have  more workload without Brian on board.

    ‘Eric will be the director and all the dive masters will help you. You will be fine.’ Jim somehow knew what I was concerned and tried to convince me it’s a good deal.

    ‘Okay.’ I answered although I was not sure what to choose.

    I checked the roaster in the next morning. Eric assigned me to do introductory diving with a  couple and a dive master to guide a new customer who would be arriving later. I would have made the same arrangement. I preferred guiding but only instructors could conduct introductory diving. I probably had to take care all the introductory dives in this trip because it’s impossible to ask Eric such a senior instructor to do the job. Whatever, looked at the bright side, I could earn all the commissions myself.

    ‘The man is 75 years old, so you have to take him diving.’ Eric suddenly came to the dive deck.

    ’75 years old?’ I repeated. I hadn’t realised what was happening. I was refilling tanks with my wetsuit still dripping. I had just come back from the introductory dive.

    ‘Just like what I've told the dive master, you take him diving now. I already told him to get ready. Take him diving again right after lunch. He is leaving at two thirty.’ Eric spoke fast as though he hadn’t need to breath.

    Ah! the newly arrival customer. Sure, I would have made the same decision. Took the risk for taking a 75-year-old customer diving into account, I would have had an instructor to do the job instead of a dive master. Besides, all the dive masters were still on training.

    ‘Okay.’ I replied. I had no choice but took two more dives and a quick lunch in between.

    ‘I’m going home.’ Eric suddenly came again. 'They sent the wrong person home. They should’ve sent you and Brian home yesterday.’

    I was in a shock and speechless.

    ‘I will talk to the shop.’ Eric suddenly left. He seemed to be willing to stay instead of me. The shop would probably prefer an experienced instructor to stay, too.

    The glass bottom boat came as scheduled at 2:30. The dive deck was getting busy for transferring  passengers back to Cairns. Right after all the passengers hopped on the glass bottom boat, Eric suddenly showed up with a backpack in his hand.

    ‘Stop him!’ I yelled and pointed to Eric.

    ‘Don’t worry, just do the advance course and have dive masters do the rest. New director will come tomorrow morning.’ Eric still spoke fast without pausing. His feet did not pause, either.

    I was in a shock and speechless, again.

    I was left as the only instructor. No, for correction, I became the director. How was I going to run the business on my own? No time to think about that. I had to do introductory diving soon again. But, there ought have been at least 1 instructor on deck for emergency while I was in the water. Alright, I had to ask the approval of the skipper for going into water.

    ‘I’m also an instructor,’ Frank said and winked his left eye, ‘just no liability insurance coverage. Kathy can also help. She is a dive master, too.’ He pointed to the elderly woman next to him.

    He appeared to be my Santa Claus for whatever I requested. Never seen such a nice skipper. With his understanding was good enough. I should not have had a skipper doing my job on the dive deck.

    After getting the support from the skipper, I needed the support from dive masters, too. Perhaps, I had never thought I were superior than them, all of them helped me to run the logistics without asking. After I finished the introductory diving, the dive deck was well organised.

    The crisis was not over, but at least I had made some progress. The next immediate problem was the night dive. I had 9 customers needed to be guided for the night dive.

    Frank came to check if everything was fine. ‘Do you know delicate?’ He said, ‘You cannot do everything on your own.’ He was right. I definitely could not guide so many customers at once.

    I bet on the most senior dive master to guide the half of the customers although he had only about 1-month work experience. I had him to do the briefing before the night dive in order to establish his authority in front of customers. Customers would trust the dive guide who just briefed them for the dive site. Then, we spitted the customers into 2 groups for guiding. The night dive went well.

    When I was preparing the night dive on deck, I was discussing with a customer who had booked an advanced course before arriving. That would be the last problem to be solved before the next director came to rescue me. Another customer overheard the discussion and wanted to have an advanced course, too.

    ’No,’ I said, 'I cannot give you the advanced course. I’m sorry that I couldn’t commit something beyond my ability.’ The 2 customers could take a deep dive together in the next morning, but I just couldn’t take more workload now.

    Just after I turned down the customer's request for an advanced course, I realised that would be unfair if I took the other customer for a deep dive. So, I cancelled the deep dive and left the new director to worry about that. Instead, I would stay on board for the first dive in the next morning. I was so tired and really needed a break.

    I let the dive masters know my plan for the next morning. I knew they were longing for diving. They worked for nothing but diving for fun. I clearly stated that I would have 1 dive master go diving for fun if the others can run the dive deck on their own. They were all willing to take more workload because of the reward of a fun dive.

    In the next morning, dive masters handled everything for me. The dive deck was busy but I was not. Finally, the new director came to take over the job.

    ‘Can you stay?’ Frank seemed to joke with smile.

    ‘I am going home today.’ I cheered with smile.

    ‘No, I am asking can you stay one more night.’ Frank said. He was serious. He was asking on behalf of the dive shop. Someone in the shop must have made a ridiculous decision again.

    ‘No.’ This time I knew what to choose for a certainty.






        照片是和二舅騎腳踏車上Mt Cootha拍攝的








First Certified Student

    After working for almost a month, finally I had a chance to certify a student to be an open water diver. The student was referred from another dive centre with all pool training completed, so I needed to conduct only 4 open water dives in 2 days.

    The student was a German girl at her early twenties with a piercing on her left nose. She could speak English, but sometimes needed a little time to clear her thoughts before speaking. I briefly explained what skills she needed to perform. The first skill, also the most essential one, was mask clearing. She had done the skill in pool training, but she was a little worried. So was I worried whether she would panic in the water. I did not want to screw up for my very first certified student. I had reviewed my cue cards and rehearsed the skills in my head so many times before the dive.

    We descent to a sandy bottom at 12 meter deep and got ready for practicing skills. To perform mask clearing, the German girl had to intentionally let water flood into her mask, until the water was above nose but below eyes. That could be the scary part for some people because the water would flood their noses. The German girl let a little water into her mask, but so little that just touched her nose and was insufficient for practicing the skill. I pointed my mask to signal her that she needed more water in the mask. She hesitated for a few seconds, but let more water into her mask.

    I kept watching her in the eyes, in case she showed any signs of panic, I could instantly reach and assist her. She pressed the upper frame of her mask, tilted her head back, and blew air through her nose to push the water out of her mask. She did every steps right, but only one third of the water was drained. I hold my breath for a second. That was another critical moment that some people might panic because they could not see themselves and thought the skill had not worked at all. The German girl paused a second as well. The second was like an hour long to me. I couldn’t speak in the water but hoping she would repeat the skill again to clear the remaining water.

    Thanked God that she did not hesitate too long and repeated the skill again and again until all water was cleared. I literally mean ’Thank God.' I hold my hands and prayed while I kneed on the sandy bottom. I didn’t mean to be so exaggerated. It was off plan. I was just too glad that she completed the skill. She burst into laughter when she saw me praying. The laughter probably also eased her nerves a little bit and made the following skill easier.

    As the following dives continued, the German girl gained more confidence in the water. So did I gain more confidence in myself. I was also a student, worried too much, lack of confidence before the dive. All I needed is to believe in myself a little bit more. Yes, I can do it.