




Job Application Rejection

    “Thank you again very much for your time. Unfortunately, given the fact that you haven’t had your license for 3 years…” wrote in a reply to reject my job application.

    I had mentioned the fact twice that my driver license had been issued recently in the email correspondence before the job interview. I even brought that up again during the job interview. It had not seemed to be a problem at that time. Now, it became the reason to reject me.

    “Thank you for the reply. I’ll keep trying,” I wrote to reply. This was not the first time I applied for a position in this dive centre. I had not got a chance for interview because I had not had a driver license 8 months ago. Now I came back with a driver license but still failed. I would keep trying, but I did not know for how long, definitely not 3 years.

    The photo was unknown flowers blooming on the street in Cairns.






Right Timing for Diving Job Hunting In Cairns

    “I’ll call you for arranging the trial trip,” said Human Resources Manager while she walked me through the gate of the dive centre.

    This was the second trial trip I got since I had arrived in Cairns for a week. It was surprisingly easy. I still recalled that I had to visit all the dive centres in Cairns for interview opportunities 8 months ago. This time I just emailed my application to a few dive centres. Perhaps, the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays in next month were the reasons.

    So far, everything seemed to be promising, but nothing was promised. A trial trip was not a job offer, but the final stage of the selection process. So, the story was to be continued.

    The photo was the Christmas Tree on Esplanade.

Newbie driver: Townsville to Cairns

    Finally, I arrived in Cairns after driving for 2,000km in 6 days. What a relief that I would not need to drive for long distance tomorrow (although I would have to drive back to Brisbane someday). I realised that I was better at being a drowsy passenger than a drowsy driver. It was more mobilised to drive by myself, but I would be tired within 2 hours. After that it became suffering instead of fun. When I had to drive again, the schedule had to be loose. It had better to stop for a few days, instead of driving everyday.

    The figure was the route I took for this trip.

新手上路第六天:Townsville to Cairns

        終於抵達 Cairns 了。6天開了2000公里,好不容易結束這趟旅程,明天不用再開長途了(雖然不久的將來得把車子開回 Brisbane)。心得感想是,我比較適合坐在後座,上車睡覺,下車尿尿。開車行動方便,但是不到2小時就累了。超過2小時之後只是折磨,沒有樂趣。將來還要再開長途的話,時間要更寬鬆。最好是在途中停留幾天,不要每天開車。


Newbie driver: Mackay to Townsville

    Today I had to drive 400 kilometres, much longer than the previous days. From the lesson learned, I did not fight against sleepiness. I broke the journey into two segments, and took a long break in between. Perhaps, a tall cappuccino did the job, too. Anyway, I kept awake during the drive.

    Another lesson learned after a few days of driving on highway, I got used to the speed of 100km/h. I felt everything moving in slow motion, when I had to slow down to 60km/h for road work.  Also, it became so difficult to drive within the speed limits. Perhaps, I had already caught on the speed camera and a traffic ticket had been mailed to me.

    I arrived in Townsville late. Not much things to do but watched a free movie at a stadium. The photo was taken at the stadium.

新手上路第五天:Mackay to Townsville



        抵達 Townsville 晚了些,沒什麼事情可做,只有去足球場上看免錢的電影。照片就是在足球場上拍的。

Newbie driver: Emu Park to Mackay

    “DONT SLEEP AND DRIVE,” a common road sign on the national highway. I tried to keep myself awake by reading every road sign. There were also other road signs to keep drivers awake. Some are trivia games like “What is the largest island in Queensland” and the answer would be next road sign. Some are straight to the point like “Drowsy drivers die.” None of these road signs really work for me. I felt tired.

    I had to drive longer than 300 kilometres at once today. I did not expect that it would be so difficult to keep awake. So, I took a break whenever I felt tired. I took so many breaks that it took me 5 hours to get to Mackay, but the estimated travel time was supposed to be 4 hours. I was so tried that I did nothing after the drive although I arrived in Mackay at noon. After a long rest, I went for a swim to make me relaxed.

    The photo was taken in Memorial Swim Centre in Mackay.

新手上路第四天:Emu Park to Mackay


        今天要一口氣開超過300公里。沒想到最大的問題是要保持清醒,所以每次一想睡就停車休息。結果,休息太頻繁了,預估4小時的車程,開了5個小時。雖然中午就抵達目的地 Mackay,可是太累了,什麼都不想做。休息了好一陣子,只去游泳放鬆一下。

        照片是 Mackay 的游泳池「 Memorial Swim Centre」

Newbie driver: 1770 to Emu Park

    “Continue on National Highway A1 for 165 kilometres,” the navigation audio said. Then, it kept quiet for the next 2 hours.

    Today I came back to the national highway. It was easier to drive on the national highway than the state route that I had traveled yesterday. No need to make a turn for a long distance. But, it was more boring, too. I understood how come people could fall into asleep while driving.

    I arrived at Emu Park at noon. It was a quiet town on the coastline. There were many beautiful beaches nearby, but not many tourists around.

    The white tower in the following photo is Singing Ship. The town built and present to Captain James Cook. The pipes of the tower “sing” when wind blows.

新手上路第三天:1770 to Emu Park



        中午就抵達 Emu Park,一個海邊的寧靜小鎮。有很多美麗的沙灘,不過沒有太多觀光客。

        照片中的白塔叫做「Singing Ship」,是小鎮建造來紀念詹姆士庫克船長的。塔上串了好幾個管子,風一吹就會像風琴一樣發出聲音。

Newbie driver: Hervey Bay to 1770

    I drove less than yesterday and arrived the destination 1770 at noon. A weird name for a town. It’s for memorizing that Captain James Cook landed here on 24 May 1770. The town is away from National Highway A1, so I drove on regular state route. The road condition was not as good as A1, but few cars traveled on this route. Most time there were no cars in sight.

    The town of 1770 was known for surfing, but I could not find a decent beach for surfing nearby. Finally, I found out that the beach for surfing was closer to the next town Agnes Water in the late afternoon. It’s too late to rent a surf board, so just went for a swim instead.

    The photo was the beach near Agnes Water.

新手上路第二天:Hervey Bay to 1770


        聽說1770是知名的衝浪地點,可是附近看起來不像是衝浪地點。直到傍晚才發現,是鄰近的 Agnes Water 小鎮附近的沙灘,沒時間衝浪,只能泡水應景一下。

        照片是 Agnes Water 的沙灘。

Newbie driver: Brisbane to Hervey Bay

    After a long preparation for driving from Brisbane to Cairns: having a driving lesson in Taiwan two months ago and transferring into an Australian driver license two weeks ago. Finally the newbie driver hit the road today.

    I drove 300km for 4 hours on the first day. It was as tiresome as I had thought. Perhaps the cruise device made the job easy. I did not need to pay too much attention to the accelerator but holding the steering wheel. A little bit unreal for driving a car at 110km/hr.

    The photo was taken on the beach in Hervey Bay

新手上路第一天:Brisbane to Hervey Bay

        準備很久,計畫從 Brisbane 開車到 Cairns,兩個月前回台灣考駕照,兩週前申請澳洲駕照,今天終於上路了。

        第一天開了 4 小時,跑了 300 公里,沒有想像中的累。尤其是車子有定速裝置,只要扶著方向盤,連油門都不用踩。以前不會開車,都是上車睡覺下車尿尿,頭一次坐這麼久的車沒睡,可是也沒能欣賞沿路風景。

        照片是在 Hervey Bay 的海灘拍攝的。






    承辦人員沒說錯,我還是可以拿回現有的駕照。但是,他沒說現有的駕照會立即作廢啊!沒想到,等了10天的汽車駕照,不到 1天,就被我作廢了。