Newbie driver: Mackay to Townsville

    Today I had to drive 400 kilometres, much longer than the previous days. From the lesson learned, I did not fight against sleepiness. I broke the journey into two segments, and took a long break in between. Perhaps, a tall cappuccino did the job, too. Anyway, I kept awake during the drive.

    Another lesson learned after a few days of driving on highway, I got used to the speed of 100km/h. I felt everything moving in slow motion, when I had to slow down to 60km/h for road work.  Also, it became so difficult to drive within the speed limits. Perhaps, I had already caught on the speed camera and a traffic ticket had been mailed to me.

    I arrived in Townsville late. Not much things to do but watched a free movie at a stadium. The photo was taken at the stadium.