







Briggz Reef - 360,最大深度7.6m,停留時間17min
Briggz Reef - Fish Bowl,最大深度3m,停留時間18min

Diving at 3 meters

    I pulled out the regulator in my mouth and put it back. Then, I sharply blew the regulator to clear the water inside. It’s the only critical skill that an introductory diver must learn, so I instructed a Hong Kong girl repeat what I’d just done at less than 2 meter depth in the water.

    I had been worried about her at the very beginning because she ticked ‘No’ to the question ‘Can you swim?’ on her application. Even worse was all the lousy equipments she got: a mask that did not fit her face constantly flooded and an oversize buoyancy controller that lifted her up like a life jacket.

    I could sense her fear from her eyes. Although she forced herself to pull out the regulator from her mouth and put it back, she didn’t blow to clear the water inside. Instead, she panicked after a second. She spitted out the regulator which were supposed to be her life saver and struggled to the surface.

    That’s it. I rushed her back to the surface. I already spent too much time on her while there were two other introductory divers waiting for me in the water. I had to call my colleague to escort her back to the boat. This really made my frustrated whenever I had to give up an introductory diver (or the introductory diver gives up herself). I wished I could show her the fun of diving not the fear of water.

    Later in the afternoon, she was going to try the introductory dive again. I was touched that she was trying so hard to overcome her fear. This time, I had prepared the proper equipments for her. Also, no other customers but she and her friend doing the introductory dive.

    She finally made the regulator cleaning skill after a few tries. Still, I was worried that she might panic and spit out the regulator during the dive. So, I kept escorting her at 3 meter depth which was only a quarter of the maximum depth for an introductory dive. It’s so shallow that I could almost reach the snorkelers above me. But, who cared? It’s a nice dive as long as they had an easy and nice diving experience.





        圖片是熱帶氣旋 Nathan 的路線預測,從凱恩斯北方掠過,不會登陸就180度迴轉,存心來亂的怪氣旋。









        照片是市郊的公共游泳池(Woree Aquatic),沒有工作只好又開始悠閒地,游過一天算一天。

Job Hunting

    ‘Hi, I’m a dive instructor looking for a job. I’m wondering if you dive team manager is available…” I introduced myself to a busy receptionist with headset and microphone still on her head.

    ‘Unfortunately we don’t have positions available.’ she interrupted, ‘We put open positions on Cairns Post or online…’

    Three days ago, another dive shop manager had said the same thing in a diplomatic way. He had been invited me to join a dive boat for one day. When I finished the day, he just said that he would consider how much to invest on me blah blah blah, and he “would” give me a call.

    So, I started shooting my resume to all the dive shops in Cairns.

    ‘May I leave my resume to the dive team manager?’ I asked after the busy receptionist explained their recruiting process.

    ‘Sure, I’ll pass on’ she answered.

    When I walked out the door, I peeked the busy receptionist passing my resume on the desk of the dive team manager sitting right behind her. The manager was also busy and did not look at whom was asking for a job nor the resume on his desk. That told me how good my chance in this dive shop was and urged me to move on to the next dive shop.

    The photo was taken at Woree Aquatic, a public swimming pool, where I am going to spend every morning when I do not have a job.