Job Hunting

    ‘Hi, I’m a dive instructor looking for a job. I’m wondering if you dive team manager is available…” I introduced myself to a busy receptionist with headset and microphone still on her head.

    ‘Unfortunately we don’t have positions available.’ she interrupted, ‘We put open positions on Cairns Post or online…’

    Three days ago, another dive shop manager had said the same thing in a diplomatic way. He had been invited me to join a dive boat for one day. When I finished the day, he just said that he would consider how much to invest on me blah blah blah, and he “would” give me a call.

    So, I started shooting my resume to all the dive shops in Cairns.

    ‘May I leave my resume to the dive team manager?’ I asked after the busy receptionist explained their recruiting process.

    ‘Sure, I’ll pass on’ she answered.

    When I walked out the door, I peeked the busy receptionist passing my resume on the desk of the dive team manager sitting right behind her. The manager was also busy and did not look at whom was asking for a job nor the resume on his desk. That told me how good my chance in this dive shop was and urged me to move on to the next dive shop.

    The photo was taken at Woree Aquatic, a public swimming pool, where I am going to spend every morning when I do not have a job.