
    「出來了!出來了!」檢疫人員雀躍地跑去看 PCR 檢驗結果。她比在場所有的乘客還興奮。
    現場只有 26 個乘客,經過 9 小時的飛行,大家靜靜地在清晨 5 點鐘等候 PCR 檢驗結果。如果檢驗結果是陽性,立馬會被送到負壓隔離病房。那將會是無期徒刑,要連續測得兩次陰性結果才能出院。
    照片是快篩測試。在隔離期間的第 3/7/10 天要自己用快篩測試。

Welcome back to Taiwan!

    "Here come the results!" the CDC agent shouted while running to her laptop to see the PCR test results. She was more excited than all the passengers who had just arrived in the airport.
    There were only 26 passengers. After a 9-hour overnight flight, all the passengers were just quietly waiting for a negative PCR test result at 5ish in the early morning. If someone got a positive result, the person would be immediately quarantined in a hospital. It would be a life sentence because the person would need two consecutive negative results to finish the quarantine period.
    "All negative," the agent cheered, "congratulations! Welcome back to Taiwan!"
    No responses from the passengers but a few applauded weakly. Most people were too tired to cheer, I supposed. Besides, it was just the beginning of the upcoming 2-week quarantine in hotels.
    The photo was an antigen rapid test kit. A negative result is required on day 3/7/10 during the 2-week quarantine period.