Work From Home

    "Good morning Sean, how are you doing?" my boss said when he dialled in the daily conference meeting.
    "Pretty good. How are you?" I instantly replied without thinking.
    "Ha... Well, I won't say pretty good in the lockdown situation..." he mumbled.
    This is the third week that we have been working from home and having daily meeting via audio conference while the whole Australia halts in a lockdown status due to coronavirus. Every morning all team members are whining for 10 minutes how boring to stay at home, but I have nothing to complain. I said "pretty good" and I meant it.
    Work from home is one of the most things I want. Finally I got what I have been longing for (so did everyone else although they did not want it). I realized that I don't have much reasons for going out. I am least impacted by the so-call social distancing measures. It is a meme joke for programmers on the Internet but it is true for me. My daily routines are not much changed. The only things changed are I cannot go swimming nor dinning out.
    I do feel changes like everyone does. Not just because the uncertainty for this coronavirus pandemic but lack of motivation. Need to find my next goal, something I desire so much that I would put efforts in, while the whole world halts.
    The photo is one of the benefits to work from home. I can cook during a conference call. Just need to mute the microphone before chopping.