

Residence Registration

    "When you move out, you have to come here again," said the coordinator.
    "Again?" we were in the city hall to register the so called "moving-in". We were waiting for a while and had to skip lunch.
    I got my residence card when I arrived in the airport, but the address was not specified on the card. So, the travel agency sent a coordinator to help me register my address and update the residence card.
    "Yes, before you move to another city," the coordinator replied.
    "So, for example, if I move to Hokkaido next month, I have to register the moving-out here and then register the moving-in in Hokkaido? Can I do it online?" I asked.
    "No, you cannot do it online but you can do it by mail."
    OMG! I have to go through this again and again if I want to travel around Japan? I wonder what would happen when the remaing empty rows for address on the card run out in a year. But I don't bother to ask this question.


    表定早上 5:40 降落的班機,光是下飛機就等了好久。還要排隊通關,審核文件,接受 PCR 檢測,已經花了三小時了,還在等候區等待 PCR 檢測報告。等候區的螢幕上有列出報告出爐的編號,但是一直沒有變過。低頭看著平板一陣子之後,猛一抬頭,已經一堆人在排隊,以為自己錯過了。