因為疫情的關係,州政府規定大部分店家要紀錄顧客的聯絡方式和來店時間。顧客大部分是使用州政府的 app 掃描店家的 QR code 來紀錄。很不幸地,我的經典款 iPhone 4S 不能安裝州政府的 app,游泳池櫃檯必須在他們的系統裡輸入我的聯絡資料和來店時間。我已經厭倦了每天要念出自己的名字和電話號碼,所以在我的手機背面做了以下的替代方案。
Now I remember you
"Good morning." I said when I showed the back of my phone to the counter clerk in the swimming pool.
"Now I remember you." she replied while typing on a tablet.
"Sorry, my santa didn't give me a new phone." I joked.
"That's okay. You are very organized." she continued typing while looking at the back of my phone.
Due to the pandemic, state goverment made contact tracing mandatory for most businesses including swimming pools. Most customers scan the QR code of the business to check themselves in. However, my classic iPhone 4S is not compatible with the government app for scanning the QR code. Instead, the swimming pool clerk has to type in my contact details in their system. I am tired of spelling my name and phone number everyday. So, here is the workaround I have done on the back of my phone.