回到水面看到船身上的船名「Reef Magic」,再看到幾百公尺外我們的潛水船時,大吃一驚,怎麼會差這麼遠?
Also Known As Magic
"Magic!" Mark shouted as soon as I stepped in the saloon on the dive boat.
"Good morning," I replied. Mark always called me Magic.
I got this nickname a half years ago when I just started working on this dive boat. I was taking customers diving. It was their first-ever SCUBA diving experience and they were a little scared. They did not kick their fins at all, so I was dragging them to wherever I wanted.
I took the chance to visit all the areas that I had not visited before, then I started swimming back to the dive boat. I could not see the boat nor the big concrete block on the seabed that the boat was moored up with after swimming for a while.
"Am I lost?" I though, "I should've just stayed near the boat."
Finally I saw a big concrete block with a rope linked to a boat. What a relief. I had all the customers hand on the rope and pull themselves up to the surface.
"Am I so late?" I wondered because there were no other divers near the concrete block. Other divers were supposed to come back around the same time.
"SHIT!" I screamed in my head, "This is not our boat!" as I looked up to the surface. The rope was linked to the front of the boat, whereas our boat was linked in the back.
I checked my air gauge, but no enough air to keep searching for our boat underwater. No choice but had the customers back to the surface along the rope.
"Reef Magic?" I saw the name on the hulk of the boat when I got back to the surface. "How come I went so far?" I saw our boat was a few hundred meters away.
"Maybe not many people will know if we swim back to our boat on surface," I thought. I looked at the customers and realized they could not make it. They looked tired although they did not swim underwater. They definitely could not swim on the surface. I had to signal our boat to come to pick us up. Everyone would know that I got so lost.
"We can call you Magic," said my coworker when I got back to our dive boat.
Damn! I knew this name is going to stick with me for a long long time if not lifetime.
"Good morning," I replied. Mark always called me Magic.
I got this nickname a half years ago when I just started working on this dive boat. I was taking customers diving. It was their first-ever SCUBA diving experience and they were a little scared. They did not kick their fins at all, so I was dragging them to wherever I wanted.
I took the chance to visit all the areas that I had not visited before, then I started swimming back to the dive boat. I could not see the boat nor the big concrete block on the seabed that the boat was moored up with after swimming for a while.
"Am I lost?" I though, "I should've just stayed near the boat."
Finally I saw a big concrete block with a rope linked to a boat. What a relief. I had all the customers hand on the rope and pull themselves up to the surface.
"Am I so late?" I wondered because there were no other divers near the concrete block. Other divers were supposed to come back around the same time.
"SHIT!" I screamed in my head, "This is not our boat!" as I looked up to the surface. The rope was linked to the front of the boat, whereas our boat was linked in the back.
I checked my air gauge, but no enough air to keep searching for our boat underwater. No choice but had the customers back to the surface along the rope.
"Reef Magic?" I saw the name on the hulk of the boat when I got back to the surface. "How come I went so far?" I saw our boat was a few hundred meters away.
"Maybe not many people will know if we swim back to our boat on surface," I thought. I looked at the customers and realized they could not make it. They looked tired although they did not swim underwater. They definitely could not swim on the surface. I had to signal our boat to come to pick us up. Everyone would know that I got so lost.
"We can call you Magic," said my coworker when I got back to our dive boat.
Damn! I knew this name is going to stick with me for a long long time if not lifetime.
Panic Diver
He was waving his hands and his head was up and down at the surface. He spit out the regulator, opened his mouth, try to suck in air, but swallowed water instead. I had had pressed the inflator of his diving equipment but somehow the buoyancy was not strong enough to keep his head above the surface.
I tried to shut the regulator back into his mouth, but he kept spitting it out. After a few tries, he was getting more panic and grabbed my arm. I wanted to shout at him for spitting out the regulator which was the only air supply he had. I did not risk to take out my regulator from my mouth. I was too close to him, and he could grapple me around the neck any second.
I already spent too much time and worried that he was choking on water. I tried to lay him up to keep his face above the surface. I failed and he grab my arm harder and harder. When I was running out of idea, my colleague came and pull him back to the boat.
After the drama came to an end, I still could not stop thinking of what I did wrong. I was supposed to handle this situation by myself. I was trained to be a lifeguard and a dive instructor. This was just another ordinary panic diver that I had dealt with for many times.
My colleague figured out the root cause that made the panic diver up and down at the surface when I went back to the boat. The host connecting to the inflator was a little loose. The inflator worked for a second only when I pressed the button. Then, it stopped inflating.
Not only I did not notice the dysfunctional inflator problem, I also made a huge mistake. There were more than one way to create buoyancy to support the panic diver. I should have taken out the diver’s weight belt. If I had done that, the diver’s head would instantly pop out of water even his diving equipment was only partially inflated. I could also fully inflate my diving equipment so that I could have become a giant rescue buoy.
To conclude, I was too anxious to overlook the alternatives at hand like the diver was too panic to spit out the air supply. I thought I were competent to deal all situations in water. In fact, I still have a long way to go.
第二件法寶是硨磲貝。 硨磲貝寬度可以超過一公尺,遠距離就可以辨識。再加上, 硨磲貝是在固定的地點不動。只要導航能力不要太差,很容易就能找到一個硨磲貝讓客人把臉貼近拍照。所以,這也是最容易的水中攝影地點。
最後一件法寶是Nemo。這種魚以前叫做海葵魚或小丑魚。自從動畫「海底總動員(Finding Nemo)」上映之後,這種魚就改名為Nemo了。由於它的全球知名度和討喜的外表,Nemo是讓女性客人開心的最佳方法。和動畫不同的是,尋找Nemo沒有那麼困難,因為它們總是待在海葵裡,很少搬家。不過,要找到適當地點讓客人可以坐在海底近距離觀賞Nemo就不太容易。
Entertainment Options In An Introductory Dive
Introductory divers expect little to see while making bubbles underwater. Especially the first time divers have only an abstract idea about fish and coral. In general, there are at least three options for entertaining introductory divers.
The first option is sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers are often scattered on the seabed in a massive number, but somehow, introductory divers are attracted by these ordinary creatures. An instructor can easily picks up a sea cucumber for customers to hold on hands or even wear the sea cucumber on head. However, it could be controversial for a dive professional to tease marine life.
The second option is giant clams. Giant clams are so large that they can be recognized from a distance. In addition, giant claims stay in a fix location. As long as an instructor is not too bad at navigation, it is easy to find a giant clam and take a photo of customers with their faces right above the giant clam. So, it is often the best choice for photos.
There are more entertainment options in an introductory dive. But, the above options are the most common ones when customers are not lucky enough to encounter a reef shark or a sea turtle.
照片是大堡礁小丑魚(Barrier Reef Anemonefish),拍攝於 Agincourt 珊瑚礁群的潛點 The GapA Diving Getaway
“Hmm, can you go to the pickup location by six forty five? It’s…” the reservation centre said.
“Yes, I can,” I interrupted her, “I have been there. I know where it is.”
It was six twenty already, but I had prepared my bag in advice and arrived at the pickup location early. I became a well trained passenger for the third time on this trip.
On the boat, some crew recognized me and did not bother to give me instructions. I sit back while the crew was serving other passengers. Underwater, I took photos while the dive guide was taking care of other divers. On the way back, I took a nap under the shed while the dive team was packing up equipment on the deck. This trip reminded me those fun dives I used to have. I wished to have a diving getaway every week.
The photo was a Barrier Reef Anemonefish, taken at The Gap, Agincourt Reef.
訂位中心回答:「 這艘船今天訂滿了,」
訂位中心回答:「 這艘船今天訂滿了,」
Surprising Staff Travel
“Hi, I'm a staff member and my name is Sean. I've faxed a travel request a few days ago. Is the boat fully booked today?” I called the reservation centre. I was still in bed, not totally awaken. Yet, I could spit out the question without thinking since I had asked the same question for many times.
“The boat is fully booked today,” the reservation centre answered.
“Oh,” I was disappointed again. I was about to hang up the phone and get back to sleep.
“But there is one seat available on another boat,” the reservation centre continued.
I was totally awaken now. It was surprising because I thought I would fail again as same as the past 4 weeks. Moreover, I had to get on the pickup location within 30 minutes but I was still in bed. After hanging up the phone, I chucked everything in my bag and rushed to the pickup location. I was still thrilled when I got on the pickup coach. All the long waits were worth.
The photo is a pink clownfish.
Staff Travel
“This is the reservation centre. How can I help you?”
“I am waiting for a staff travel this morning. Could you please help me check if I can take the trip?”
“Is that Sean?” the reservation centre responded instantly.
“Yes,” I answered. "How come he got my name so quickly? Is my name on the passenger list?" I wondered.
“Unfortunately it is fully booked today.”
I wondered if I had made so many travel requests that the reservation centre already knew me. The company I worked for provided employees travel benefits. I could have a trip operated by the company for a low price only if the trip was not fully booked. Since I started working for the company, I made travel requests whenever I had a break from work. So far, I successfully got only one out of 4 requests. December was the high season for tourism business here. Hopefully I would get a trip next week.
The figure is Cairns Weather Forecast for the following week.
“I am waiting for a staff travel this morning. Could you please help me check if I can take the trip?”
“Is that Sean?” the reservation centre responded instantly.
“Yes,” I answered. "How come he got my name so quickly? Is my name on the passenger list?" I wondered.
“Unfortunately it is fully booked today.”
I wondered if I had made so many travel requests that the reservation centre already knew me. The company I worked for provided employees travel benefits. I could have a trip operated by the company for a low price only if the trip was not fully booked. Since I started working for the company, I made travel requests whenever I had a break from work. So far, I successfully got only one out of 4 requests. December was the high season for tourism business here. Hopefully I would get a trip next week.
The figure is Cairns Weather Forecast for the following week.